The Penance
At a tender age when we bathed in comforts, Your ambition surrounded yours. We kept bickering about our day's ordeal, You listened, smiled but kept your griefs concealed. We took you out on a shopping spree, You helped us choose with glee And repressed your needs. Dejection , family expectations always weighed on you, Instead you focused on priorities you knew. You withdrew yourself from all delectation, We feared you might adopt renunciation. Still at times its excruciating to wake up, Comfort, sleep & leisure, you just can’t give up, The body aches from sheer fatigue & despair, This penance seems nothing but a nightmare. At times its impossible to find the strength to push yourself, When life just feels routine. Remember this my darling everything you ever needed, You will find already within. Your hurdles are all working in your benefit, Believe in yourself and your success i...